Learning Management API Errors

The following list describes the possible error codes.

Error Code Http Status Code Error Message
-1 400 The message may vary. The default message is: 'Value does not fall within the expected range.'.
-1 401 The message may vary. The default message is: 'Security error.'.
4002 400 The message will vary. It will describe a data validation violation.
4004 404 The message may vary. The default message is: 'Data not found.'.
4016 401 The passcode has expired.
104020 400 A password is required.
104022 400 A user id is required.
104023 400 A user name is required.
104024 400 A password policy is required.
104025 400 A hashed password is required.
104028 400 The user application already exists.
104029 400 Invalid device platform.
104030 400 Invalid authentication token.
104031 400 The identity provider is invalid.
104032 400 This notary has already been invited.
104033 400 An invitation id is required.
104034 400 A valid organization id is required.
104035 400 This User Name already in use.
104036 400 An invitation is required to set up an account. Please confirm you are using the correct email address.
104037 400 Incorrect Passcode. Please try again.
104038 400 The requested password is not compliant.
104039 400 The organization already exists.
104040 400 The application already exists.
104041 400 A valid application id is required.
104043 400 The user is not linked to the application.
104044 400 A valid api key id is required.
104045 400 The api key already exists.
104046 400 The user is not a member of the organization.
104047 400 This phone number already exists
104048 400 The terms of use have not been accepted.
104049 400 The username and email address do not belong to the same user account.
104050 400 A message id is required.
104051 400 A ZUMO token is required.
104052 400 Invalid user app id claim type URI.
104053 400 An Office 365 token is required.
104054 400 The friendly username already exists.
104055 400 You cannot de-activate your own organization.
105026 500 A phone number is required.
105027 500 An email address is required.
105028 500 The user account was not found.
105029 500 A password policy was not found.
105030 500 The application was not found.
105031 500 Notification registration failed.
105032 500 Support email address was not found.
105033 500 A password reset URL was not found.
105034 500 The admin portal URL was not found.
105035 500 The template name was not found in the configuration file.
105036 500 Approver email address was not found.
105037 500
105038 500
105039 500
105040 500
105041 500 Enrollment failure.Please contact your administrator.
105042 500 A email address is required.
105043 500 A courseid is required.
105044 500 A enrollment id is required.